Tsukiakari Onsen
Primal's first women-only bath house for lesbians/sapphics.
Located at: Exodus - Shirogane (Ward 14, Plot 42)
[ Hours ] - Sundays from 9-11pm US Eastern
House Rules:
Women only (No Men allowed in the venue. Cis/trans women and NBs are welcome.)
Clothing is optional (This is a traditional Japanese bath house)
No presenting phalluses. This is a no-phallus zone. This is a matter of safety and mental health for guests.
Be polite and respectful
No ERP in public chats (except during "After Hours")
No harassing other guests or staff
No hate-speech or excessively derogatory language
No bigotry. Transphobes and TERFs are not welcome.
No rude or bad behavior in general is permitted
You must adhere to the FFXIV Terms of Service
If you are found violating any of these rules or if we deem your behavior to be otherwise inappropriate, the venue staff will be at their discretion to remove you from the venueand/or permanently blacklist you.
You may be also be reported for TOS violations if applicable.If any guests are breaking the rules in private chats to you, please don't hesitate to reach out to the owner/staff for help. We want everyone to feel comfortable here and have a good time!
Tsukiakari Onsen was founded to create a sanctuary for
women who like women to bathe, relax, socialize, and
do whatever else they might desire.
[ Esteemed Patrons ]
Those named here have contributed generously to help support the onsen and its mission as stated above:
< Schnee Moontear >
< Maki Haruno >
< Imrylla Wild >
< Millie Starlight >
< Ysera Bryant >
< Fifira Fira >
< Khaltma Qestir >
< Miss Alys >
These are indicators you may use (if you so choose) to declare your intent to the other guests while you are here so that they can easily know what types of things you might be interested in doing with them! Remember the rules, always get consent first:
"Roleplaying" - You are acting in-character and looking for general roleplay that may also include other kinds!
"Platonic Intimacy" - You are looking to cuddle and be physically affectionate in a non-sexual way.
"Sexual Intimacy" - You are looking to be sexually intimate with others and engage in ERP.
"Approach Me" - You are shy and would like others to initiate contact/RP.
You are not required to use these flags while you are here, they are simply for your convenience to make things smoother!
If you choose to stay for after hours, we do strongly encourage you to use the flags so that you can find what you are looking for more quickly and help others do the same!
"After Hours"
After the venue is formally 'closed' and the party finder advertisement is taken down, one of the main house rules is changed as a special treat for guests:
ERP will be allowed in public chats after hours.
(kink and fetish ERP should be kept to private party/tell messages)
Guests who choose stay after hours are encouraged to express themselves as freely and openly as they can with their partners or new ladyfriends they have met during normal hours. Those who do not wish to participate are, of course, welcome to stay and relax at their leisure while enjoying the sights.After hours will be announced by the staff at closing time.
[ Wifi Access ]
Public SSID: MSS-JW66065NWXB3
PW: GayBathwaterPlease